Nuclear power generation accounts for about 20% of the total electricity output in Russia. Moreover, the share of nuclear
power generation reaches 30% in European Russia and 37% in
the North-West.
Key operating results 2022
All Russian-design NPPs currently in operation worldwide helped to prevent greenhouse gas emissions totalling 217 million tonnes of СО2e in 2022, including more
than 109 million tonnes of СО2e in Russia.
Key operating results 2022
In 2022, cargo traffic along the NSR exceeded the target set for the federal project by more than 2 million
Key operating results of State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
Sustainability report
Power generation
january - september 2023
million kWh
Assessment of year-to-date greenhouse gas emissions
savings from NPP operation in Russia
Assessment of year-to-date emissions savings (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) from the operation of Russian-design NPPs in Russia:
Es.= СО2alt x (PG by NPPs in Russia), where
are emissions of CO2 equivalent from alternative sources, calculated based on an assumption that 100% of nuclear power generation is replaced with other electricity sources in proportion to their shares in the global power generation structure1, with emissions of CO2 equivalent reassessed accordingly by type of generation2 Calculated СО2alt = 489 tonnes of СO2 equivalent/GWh.
PG by NPPs in Russia is year-to-date power generation by Russian-design NPPs in Russia*
Assessment of cumulative greenhouse gas emissions
savings from Russian-design NPP operation
(million tonnes of СO2 equivalent)
in Russia
NPPs abroad
Calculation methodology
Procedure for assessing CO2 emissions savings from the operation of Russian-design NPPs
Procedure for assessing CO2 emissions savings from the operation of Russian-design NPPs (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent)
The assessment of historical emissions savings (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) from the operation of Russian-design NPPs globally is calculated using the following formula: Es.= СО2alt x (PG by NPPs in Russia + PG by NPPs abroad), where
СО2alt —
are emissions of CO2 equivalent from alternative sources, calculated based on an assumption that 100% of nuclear power generation is replaced with other electricity sources in proportion to their shares in the global power generation structure1, with emissions of CO2 equivalent reassessed accordingly by type of generation2.
Calculated СО2alt= 489 tonnes of СO2 equivalent/GWh.
PG by NPPs in Russia is annual power generation by Russian-design NPPs in Russia.3
PG by NPPs abroad is annual power generation by Russian-design NPPs abroad.4
Comparison of the background radiation
level of nuclear power plants
Leningrad NPP
0.093 µSv/h
Beloyarsk NPP
0.080 µSv/h
Bilibino NPP
0.118 µSv/h
Kalinin NPP
0.098 µSv/h
Kola NPP
0.064 µSv/h
Kursk NPP
0.105 µSv/h
Balakovo NPP
0.091 µSv/h
Rostov NPP
0.099 µSv/h
Novovoronezh NPP
0.098 µSv/h
Smolensk NPP
0.101 µSv/h
Leningrad-2 NPP
0.116 µSv/h
Range of variation in the natural background radiation level in Russia*
Calculation methodology
* According to the findings of annual radiation and hygienic certification
by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor)
The data provided is the average data from all sensors in the vicinity of the NPP in question